Our Hydro-Flo Permeable pavers have been chosen and will be installed shortly on the podium deck portion of the Cathedral Gardens in Oakland CA. The deck covers the top surface of the sunken parking structure and will provide an ADA compliant surface as well as a beautiful landscaped surface area for the outdoor pleasure of the tenants. The 100 apartment/home project is centrally located near BART and the 10,000 square foot of Hydro-Flo pavers ordered will compliment both the new two 3- story buildings which surround the rehabilitated 110 year old Rectory building. New or old the environmental benefits and the ADA advantages are outstanding.

As the project progresses over the next period "work in progress" pictures will be available. Whether you are looking for a small residential project or a large commercial (like the recent Google headquarters project) or anything in between the Hydro-Flo Permeable pavers with their safety advantages and environmental benefits are an outstanding addition.
Other recent Hydro-Flo paver projects include a beautiful streetscape, condo projects, corporate HQ, multiple universities & K-12 schools, residential, commercial projects and more.......Finally, remember that if you would like to add to your LEED score (usually 6-10 credits) you may want to consider the use of our Hydro-Flo Permeable pavers.
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