Thursday, February 23, 2012

Roof Garden and Podium Paver Tiles

Looking for a quick way to beautify an area? Over large paved areas, our one inch paver tiles can quickly change the look and feel of your project. Cover a driveway or entryway. Create a patio focal point in your backyard. These stones deliver excellent results at a fraction of the cost and weight!
Photo courtesy of:
Our One Inch Paver tiles are designed to be lightweight for various project applications. These paver tiles are perfect for creating roof gardens or podium roofs. These tiles allow you create an elegant walking path to a sitting area without the weight concerns of other paving materials.

These tiles are even available with Hydro-Flo Hybrid(TM) technology, enabling water runoff prevention, and possibly aiding in collection of rainwater. Hydro-Flo technology allows the Pavers to be right next to each other, not leaving unsightly gaps that also pose trip hazards.
Paver tiles cover existing  driveway for an elegant new look

Paver tiles are stronger than poured concrete or cement, but are best suited for pedestrian traffic without additional support. We have just completed our Roof Garden and Podium Paver tile Pamphlet. For more information, please contact us on Twitter, Facebook, or our websites ( or

There are a few projects with specifications for our 1" Hydro-Flo Paver tiles for use on Garden roofs. We will be sure to keep you updated on the progress of these projects.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Palo Alto Offers Rebate for Installing Hydro-Flo Hybrid(TM) Permeable Pavers

The city of Palo Alto, in order to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, have begun to encourage homeowners and businesses to invest in permeable driving surfaces. The City of Palo Alto is offering $1.50 rebate per square foot (up to $1000 residential, $10,000 commercial), which makes these paving products fiscally competitive with normal paving methods.

There are three primary classes of permeable paving products; porous asphalt, pervious concrete, and permeable interlocking concrete pavers. All these products depend on one principle: holes. The holes weaken the final product and can also pose trip hazards. Also, there are maintenance costs since the holes can be plugged with debris.
A courtyard at Gunn High School in Palo Alto, with Hydro-Flo(TM) Pavers installed

The Hydro-Flo Pavingstone is in a class all its own. Its percolation system does not depend on holes for drainage, so it does not have any of these drawbacks. It looks exactly like our regular pavingstones, but it has been modified with our Hydro-Flo Technology to enable over 3 inches of water per hour to pass through.

Take advantage of this rebate offer. Using permeable pavers can help you to take advantage of LEED points as well. There are many other benefits to this product. For more information on our product, please visit our website: For more information on the potential for rebates, visit:, or your local city website to see if similar rebates are available.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

First Net Zero Energy House in CA utilizes Hydro-Flo Hybrid (TM) Permeable Pavingstones

Who imagined that a 3200 sq.ft. luxury house, with all modern conveniences would be able to offset its energy costs? One Sky Homes is nearing completion of just such a project. The house on Cottle will be the first Net Zero Energy house in California. The term "Net Zero" refers to a house's ability to offset the amount of energy used with the amount produced by the house. As you can imagine, the house itself depends on an entirely new thought process.

First of all, the house is focused on reducing the need for power. Heating and cooling systems are among the biggest energy consumers. With that in mind, insulation and air tightness become major factors. The house has some incredible innovations to prevent the transfer of heat, either in or out. The house can actually heat itself with a hair dryer, though the hair dryer is less efficient than the house's own heating system. These systems reduce the need for energy, which can thereby reduce the amount of energy that the house must obtain.

The size of the solar panels can be reduced (if needed) or the extra power can be sent back to the grid. The house has many incredible features, including an electric car charger, triple paned windows and a combination solar/gas water heater. We encourage you to check out more information on the home at

We are excited to see so many creative ideas in the construction industry right now. Further showing their commitment to protecting the environment, One Sky Homes is using our Hydro-Flo pavers for the driveway. It will be constructed using our Canyon Rock series stones, which feature a tumbled, earthy appearence that blend in with the natural stone accents surrounding the house. These pavingstones will prevent runoff that can carry pollutants and will reduce the strain on the sewer system. Furthermore, the water will instead be returned to underground aquifers.

These things are only a small step toward the future, but the thought process is headed in the right direction. If there is one thing we can learn from this house, it is that you can create a lasting beautiful space, that will respect the environment.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hydro-Flo Technology Now Available in Rumble Retainer Blocks

Let your imagination run wild with all the new possibilities of Hydro-Flo Rumble Retainer Blocks.
The blocks, 9" x 6" x 6", are the perfect way to construct a low garden wall quickly and easily, with results that will enhance the beauty of your home for years to come.
This product is perfect for planter boxes, patio steps, garden walkway borders in addition to low retaining walls. By themselves, they become a standout feature of your landscaping, but with Hydro-Flo technology, there may be some added benefits. Imagine the possibility of eliminating drainage systems from behind the wall, or a Bioswale that adds color and interest, rather than just serving a function.

Rumble Retainer Blocks create a natural look that will create a beautiful and long lasting focal point for your garden or outdoor area.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gilroy's Library and Carmel's Del Mar Projects Resume Intallation of Hydro-Flo Pavers

Welcome to another week of beautiful weather in the Monterey Bay area! With the sun shining so constantly, construction crews are working on a variety of projects.

Installation of Hydro-Flo pavers nearing completion
Gilroy's library is undergoing its rennovation and expansion and has begun installing Pacific Interlock's Hydro-Flo Permeable Paver (For more information on this project, please view our previous blog post). These pavingstones allow for water retention and prevention of runoff, two criteria examined for LEED certified  projects.  One great feature is that the water kept on-site reduces the need for large drainage systems. Our beautiful Hydro-Flo pavers act as a drainage system, operating as nature intended!
The library selected the Textured Estate 6x6 pavers for their project

In additon to the Gilroy Library, construction has begun in Carmel on Ocean Avenue as a part of the larger Del Mar Project. For those seeking beach access, you may have to walk a bit further for the time being, but once this project is complete, the Hydro-Flo pavers will complete the view and make your experience much more incredible.

In order to be approved for this project, the Hydro-Flo paver had to recieve recognition from many environmental groups concerned specifically with water conservation. The Hydro-Flo paver is  building a reputation of safety with approval from organizations like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), in addition to State and Regional Water Control Boards. We cannot wait to see this project completed. What a beautiful addition to California's already gorgeous Central Coast!

Construction begins on Ocean Avenue, where Hydro-Flo pavers will be installed